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Venezia Transatlantic: Day 9

September 1, 2023

Good morning. Today is our second consecutive sea day, making our way across the Atlantic Ocean. We set our clocks back another hour this morning as we ease our way back eastern time.

This is the morning view from my balcony.

Here is today’s Fun Times.

The coffee line isn’t bad this early on a sea day.

I got my usual mocha.

The roof is still closed from yesterday. The zumba people have been able to move back to their normal spots.

Let’s try a few different deck 11 sitting areas.

I was afraid of this. The issue with Cheers being on Miami time has me maxed out from last night’s drinks. That means I must’ve actually had 19 or 20 drinks yesterday counting my morning drinks.

The bartender did a manual and is going to put it in later. But that’s such a pain in the rear. I’m going to be dealing with this for the next several days unless I leave some room on the back end for tomorrow morning.

Camp ocean is deck 11 mid right by the stairs up to the arcade.

As I was with the draft beer almost every bar has Moretti. You’ll find some with regular taps and some with these machines. Those are basically mini kegs that slide into them. This is the only draft beer at the aft pool bar.

Also the only draft beer at the plaza bar.

I got an Americano here.

I’m waiting in the Gondola Lounge for my brunch table.

On these sea days they’re alternating between having a brunch and a breakfast and lunch. Yesterday we had breakfast with the Indian lunch. Tomorrow we’re having breakfast with the Mexican lunch. Today we’re having brunch.

It took 20 minutes to get a table and an additional 40 minutes to get food today.

Ham, eggs, bacon, and brunch potatoes.

Skillet Cake.

I didn’t order any grits but they brought them anyway.

This is the crowd when I was leaving the dining room.

I made my way to the main lounge for the morning show.

The one on the left was on my Magic cruise in February.

Let’s walk through the mid ship restaurant. It’s for assigned dining so I’m never in there.


Then I stopped by the atrium bar for a screwdriver.

And a bloody mary.

Club O2 teen club is kind of between floors in the forward stairwell. I think between decks 3 and 4.

The drink situation got squared away. I guess it’s resetting at 10am now. Our clocks go back an hour tonight so maybe that’ll be 9am tomorrow.

I grabbed about a half hour nap with the peanuts on.

I wanted to try La Strada today since that’s one of the new places on this ship. It’s buffet which I hate. So I wanted to get there right when they opened. It was roped off they seemed to be filming there.

I decided to wait inside.

By the time I grabbed a beer and went outside there was already a line.

I got the garlic bread, Mac n cheese, corn, minute steak and the Milanese sandwich. I thought the sandwich was the best thing I got.

I liked the sandwich so much I decided to get another and try the pork. I heard someone say the pork sandwich was good so I’m going to try it.

Still like the chicken best. That pork sandwich has a good bit of mayo on it so if you aren’t a fan of mayo, you mayo not like it.

These are the cakes today.

I decided to try the cinnamon roll layer cake. It was pretty good.

Puss n Boots is on the somewhat big screen.

I went up to serenity. I don’t really like that bar. There’s no bar seating. I got the absolute last last place to sit on the deck. Everything is taken or reserved.

I was also sitting in the sun so I decided to go for a spot on deck 11 where I can watch the movie. That too was challenging. Mostly taken, reserved, or in some cases just wasted. Like there will be one person taking up two couches because they have two couches facing each other with a coffee table in between and they’ll push that coffee table flush against the other couch to give them more leg room. But then nobody can sit there.

The best I could do to see the movie was this partial view spot.

then a couple of guys sat there and blocked my partial view.

I mean there’s some seating up here. Just not where you can see anything.

I went to the aft pool bar and got a mudslide.

I was wondering if anyone would show up for soccer at 2pm. It looks like they got a dozen.

I was getting in the elevator and this big group got out. One of the guys had B.O. and the O didn’t stay with the B.

The CD and entire Fun Squad are hanging out at Frizzante.

I think they’re learning to rumba in the Gondola Lounge.

The Fun Squad has moved to the Gondola Lounge.

I don’t think a White Russian supposed to bubble like this. Did she give me a soapy glass or something? I just don’t remember them being like this. I ended up dumping this one and getting another.

I stopped by the room to get ready for the evening.

Then headed out to Frizzante for an espresso martini.

And another.

That’s enough caffeine. I’m switching to Moretti.

And another.

Tonight’s entertainment in the main lounge is the rock band. They are doing 7:30 and 9:30 concerts.

After that I headed to the limelight lounge for comedy.

Comedy host Buzz was a key figure in last nights quest. That’s all I can say about that.

Will Marfori.

Here is tonight’s menu.

Marinated Mozzarella.

Jalapeno Poppers.

Caesar Salad.

Chicken Pot Pie.

Torta Amaretti E Cioccolato.

After dinner I headed back to the limelight lounge for more comedy.

Arvin Mitchell.

Golf is on in the Hero’s Lounge. I’m going to sit here until it’s time for the next comedy show.

This lady on the far right is wearing a onesie. I just didn’t know it until she got up and walked out.

I headed back the the limelight for more comedy.

I ordered a screwdriver.


Arvin Mitchell. I was liking Arvin but he got a little too political for me on this one. I don’t want to listen to that divisive stuff on vacation.

There’s a 50’s party happening on lido but it’s not very well attended. I think it’s too late for people who would attend such a party.

I’m off to bed. Tomorrow is another sea day.